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Weekend Pack Walks-(STARTING SOON)

Join us for Pack walk!

Every Saturday, weather permitting, our head trainer Terence, leads a pack walk on a mile or so long adventure. Starting in the field on Hardart Way, clients and their dogs are guided through obedience exercises by Terence, before they cross Great Landing Road as a group and enter a neighborhood. This route is great for everyone as there are distractions everywhere, from neighbors doing yard work to someone’s beagle barking at you from the window. After that, everyone takes a brief break of down/stays in a local park before continuing the loop back to Hardart Way.

Dogs of all shapes, sizes and temperaments can join as this is a great way to work with and around dogs who may display reactivity towards other dogs and/or humans. We work through it all together and what better than to get outdoors with your dog and learn and practice great training tips along the way!

This is an amazing opportunity to strengthen the human-animal bond with your dog, and also a great weekly routine to start the weekend off on the right foot!

$10 for one dog, $15 for two.

Don’t forget to check our Facebook and Instagram page every Friday, starting Spring 2025, to see if Pack Walk is on for Saturday mornings at 8 AM!