Drop-In Classes

Is your schedule too hectic to commit to a five-week group class? A drop-in class or seminar might be what you need. Available Thursday nights and Saturday mornings; you can come in at your leisure to learn all the concepts you’d learn in a five week group class! And you will always meet new friends as there will never be the same person and dog twice. This is extremely helpful for anyone working on reactivity with other people and dogs as you will be in a controlled environment.

**Some of the Drop-in classes listed below are subjective to change in availability.

Open to current training clients and Dayschool clients 6 months and older.

Please sign up ahead of time for the drop-in classes to receive weekly updates.

Drop-in Training

Drop in, at your convenience, Thursdays and Saturdays, with Katie or Terence to work on concepts you are missing out on. Plus, you and your dog will meet new people as each class always has new faces. This is especially helpful for those struggling with reactivity. By utilizing the drop-ins you still get the chance to address any issues you might have with your dogs at home without worrying about missing a set five-week group class.

Loose Leash Walking Seminar

Is your dog pulling you like crazy with a harness, flat collar or even through prong collars? This class is offered to our clients, giving tips on how to enjoy your walks with your canine companions. The headache of your dog pulling on the leash will disappear as you both learn the art of Loose Leash, and help you gain the confidence you need to walk around the block.

**Check for availability

“Building Your Best Dog”

Canine Fitness Trainer - Michelle Fleri

Set big goals for you and your dog’s relationship! This class covers topics related to the social responsibility test created by GRC dog sports. Weekly training topics include: heeling, position changes, maintaining engagement through distractions, play-based training and more. We strive for positivity and a well-balanced approach to working with your dog.

Building a solid relationship with your dog whether he or she is a working dog or just a couch buddy, is rewarding and fun.

Please bring treats and your dogs’ favorite toy! This class is designed for all ages of dogs and experience and training.

Canine Nose work Drop-in

NACSW Instructor - Jackie St.Cyr

Can’t make a session of canine nose work? Hop into Friday night’s class at 6pm! A mixed class meaning, handler and dog might have just completed Introduction to Nose Work or they could be working at an advanced level, but no matter. Come in and join the fun of practicing “the game,” and strengthen your teamwork with your dog, no strings attached!

*Must have completed Introduction to Nose work.

Introduction to Prong Collars-Workshop

Prong collars often get a bad rap. As with any training equipment, if used improperly your training goals become irrelevant. Join a Introduction to Prong Collar workshop whether you just need a refresher or you are looking to learn ‘what to do’ and ‘what not to do,’ when using these training devices. When used accordingly, prong collars can be a game changer. It is important to point out not every training client needs a prong collar, for the same reason we all, as human beings, learn concepts differently. Dogs also learn concepts differently, and so a prong collar might not be what you need, in which case, a trainer can help you decide what is best suited for you and your dog.

**90 minutes workshop on 3/25/2025!

Bonus puppy class

Available for puppies 10-20 weeks old, whether you want to get a jump-start on your training before the next puppy session or if you’ve just finished Puppy I and want some extra support and social time before Puppy II, this might be the class for you! You will practice general puppy training skills, house management, if you need more questions answered, and yes, we’ll have puppy play groups too!

Booking and payment is for a one-time class of 50 minutes

**50 minutes class on 3/24/2025!