Canine Good Citizen

Canine Good Citizen is a program that evaluates dogs for simulated everyday situations in a relaxed, non-competitive atmosphere.

Dogs that pass the CGC test are considered reliable family and community members and will receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club. In this class, your dog will be taught good manners, and you, the owner, will learn how to be responsible for dog ownership. You will sign up for your test time at the end of the five-week session.

**This is not a class to substitute for group or private training. Please, anyone struggling with reactivity, if you could instead seek out our trainers, Terence and Katie, for assistance; it would be a much better option for owner and dog.

Ask yourself: Does your dog have what it takes to be a Canine Good Citizen?

What You and Your Dog Will Learn:

Test 1: Accepting a friendly stranger

Will your dog allow a friendly stranger to approach him/her? Can this friendly stranger speak to you, the handler, in a natural, everyday situation without incident?

Test 2: Sitting politely for petting

Will your dog allow a friendly stranger to touch him/her while out with you, the handler?

Test 3: Appearance and grooming

Will the dog welcome being groomed and examined and permit someone other than you, the handler, to do so?

Test 4: Out for a walk (walking on a loose lead)

Are you, the handler, in control of your dog when he/she is walking on a leash?

Test 5: Walking through a crowd

Can your dog move politely in pedestrian traffic? Can you, the handler, keep them under control when on a leash in public?

Test 6: Sit and down on cue and stay in place

Does your dog have the training? Will he/she respond to you, the handler’s cues to sit, down and remain in place? (Sit or down position, whichever the handler prefers)

Test 7: Coming when called

Will your dog come when called by you, the handler?

Test 8: Reaction to another dog

Can your dog behave politely around other dogs?

Test 9: Reaction to distraction

Is your dog always confident when faced with everyday distracting situations?

Test 10: Supervised separation

Can your dog be left with a trusted person, if necessary, and maintain training and good manners?

Do you and your dog have what it takes to be a Canine Good Citizen?